
You can’t create something that you couldn’t naturally obtain in the game, so for competitive purposes creating Pokemon through a program like PokeHex or whatnot acts only as a convenience. It allows you to make something with the IVs and moveset you want, which nowadays is pretty quick and easy to do fairly in-game,

It’s not a handheld for everyone. I loved mine for the year or so that I had it. Played Persona 4, FFX, Hot Shots Golf, and a bunch of PS1 re-releases. Agreed that the library leaves much to be desired, but it was worth the money for what I got out of it.

It’s not a handheld for everyone. I loved mine for the year or so that I had it. Played Persona 4, FFX, Hot Shots

The game was supposed to be entirely about Basch, but when producers stepped in and told Sakaguchi that the game needed more vulnerable lead characters and introduced Vaan and Penelo, he quit the studio entirely. FFXII was still really good, but it wasn’t the game that it was originally supposed to be. Sakaguchi went