Free Sinc?
Free Sinc?
At the time of that ad only the F150 had an aluminum body. Looked like a lot more that a half ton of rock.
Who the hell would drop a load of rock from 10 feet above the bed on a $40,000 truck??
Good luck with that thing on the laminated windshield.
Does the device need to be unlocked for the code to run? Can’t you just turn the device off to lock it?
They really need to use the 1998 Corolla with the bald tires, loose tie rods, and prior front end collision damage, it’s more representative of what’s on the road.
Wouldn’t matter. The C channel frame would still collapse. But that really isn’t the issue. It’s the lack of upper structure. Watch the windshield pillar on the ‘59, and add that to no shoulder belts (does it even have lap belts?) while the steering column comes straight at your chest. There was just no thought put…
Anyone ever notice how expensive it is to be poor?
My biggest change is I work on cars I want to, not that I have to. No more installing a clutch in a car I need to get to work in tomorrow, and staying up until 3am. Now I only work on projects, and when I get frustrated I take a break. The break can be a week, because I don’t need the car to run, I’d just like it to.
Didn’t you see the YouTube video? ALWAYS use the red key.
I wonder how often Tesla customers get sold undercoating, paint protectant, and other garbage at Tesla stores
Guest worker status. It solves all the problems. They don’t have to be citizens to be here legally. They can apply, do a quick background check, and then be legal to hire. Makes the wall unnecessary as at that point anyone sneaking over is someone that is hiding something. Now border control doesn’t have to weed them…
Booth review, penalty overturned.
How none of these “experts” picked a Honda Civic is beyond me.
This should be cotd
I think, ideally, the original idea was ride sharing. Like I’m going from point A to point B, this person is on my way, I can pick them up, and they ride with me, then I dump them off, and go to where I was going. That’s nowhere near what it has turned into.
So you have to pay to drive on the road where you get worse mileage so they can harvest energy and make more money?
Hey! It worked for the Empire...
Remember Doug’s Ferrari post of being at the gas station? One dude actually came up, SET HIS BOTTLE OF WATER ON THE ROOF, and then opened the passenger door, all while saying “hey nice car”. People have no sense of personal space or private property anymore. Keeping something nice like this in a public space is asking…