
Uber has a better product and everyone knows it. Instead of improving their product or service, cab companies would rather fight in court. I’d use a cab if it was as easy as Uber. It’s not the price, it’s the user interface that people appreciate.

This argument feels like people coming to the defense of Comcast because streaming services like Apple TV and Roku are ruining tv program delivery. Cab companies have been screwing people for years, and are essentially fighting for the right to keep doing so.

See Chevy Volt

Is this David’s mother??

How on earth do they enforce that??

On the next episode of Fast and Loud:

You know, I get the whole living wage argument, it’s valid. But I think it also needs to be accepted that not all jobs are intended to be that. Flipping burgers at McDonalds is not a living wage job. It’s meant for teenagers to learn a work ethic while earning some scratch to blow on iTunes and shoes. It’s not a job

They should disable the air bags and have an enormous destruction derby.

How is this Uber for jets if you have to pay a membership fee? There is no membership fee for Uber. If you need a car, you get one.

How are they spending $5000 a month on gas? Not to mention $23,000 on food...

They are not currently being sold for parts. Your car will be sold for parts too, just not as soon. Roadworthyness makes no difference. If that was a lot full of race cars we would not have this conversation. They are in storage, for now. If I need a fender for my wife’s Jetta, I can’t get one there.

Doesn’t meet the requirements in the first paragraph. They are not “wrecked, scrapped, ruined or dismantled,” and are not being sold for parts. They are parked awaiting further action. It’s more similar to long term parking, or storage.

How many times can I like this comment??

Actually this brings up an interesting conversation: what is more reliable; MG or Alfa Romeo?

Keep this on order at your local parts supplier.

Why did they not call Adam Carolla? He knows cars and is actually funny.

Not Kansas, Boise, Idaho. Very similar experience. And I like the Volkswagen better anyway.

Why do car manufactures put up with their dealers being assholes? I love cars, I hate buying cars. I will likely never buy a Toyota because of an experience I had with a local dealer that lied to me and tried to screw me. I ended up with a Volkswagen, partially because the dealer was so easy to work with. Next time

No. Just no.

Do it.