
Do it. I bought mine cheap, $1200. Put a fresh coat of paint on it, and just cleaned it up. All the mechanicals were done, rebuilt engine, ported and polished heads, cams, Weber conversion, headers, seats redone, dash redone, GTV transmission. It moves out. The exhaust note is sublime.

Is that John Elway’s car?

People aren’t that good at keeping secrets, they’re just not. Someone would have said something.

Nasa’s Lunar Reconnaissance orbiter can show all of them.

You can see the landing sites with a telescope. This part really isn’t rocket science.

How did they photoshop the fake pictures in 1968 is probably a better question.

So they just photoshopped everything on their Macs before releasing the photos?

You can’t void the warranty for non-approved shop repairs. It’s called the Magnuson-Moss Act. Basically it says Tesla does not have to warranty any repairs done by the shop, but can’t wholesale cut off the warranty for the rest of the car just because of the work done.

Other manufacturers do the same thing with certain models. If you buy a BMW with the aluminum front structure, BMW won’t sell you the rivets to fasten it together if you are not a certified shop.

When it comes to cost per mile, remember municipalities don’t pay the taxes on gas you and I do. So electric doesn’t save them as much as it saves you and me.

Smart man.

But that is exactly my point. The whole story was spin. You laid it out in black and white, and the author didn’t actually bother to check. You did.

True. But the point that your post made is that the point of the story was wrong. Trump was factually correct. And say you are a low volume producer looking to get into that market. You won’t be able to do it without setting up shop in India.

Do you have insurance on the watch?

So actually the answer is yes. Unless you build an assembly line there. Maybe that is how it should have been phrased.

By that logic no one would ever buy a Range Rover, but I see plenty of them rolling around.

Because only republicans are bad at math. Remind me the no drilling argument on how we don’t really have any oil. I think the argument was we wave less than 4% of the worlds oil....

Elon Musk wants to rule Mars.

C4, would have been about a 1995. I used to have a picture of the speedometer to prove it.

I didn’t know you could get away with foreign cars in Detroit. Everything I’ve ever heard is the locals will burn you at the stake.