
Thought I previously saw an article that showed that only about 10% of smart phone users actually exceeded 2GB/Mo. I believe Giz did one around the time AT&T announced the 2GB cap. If this is true, that means 10% true, 90% gimmick. I could be wrong though. This of course would exclude anyone that tethers seeing as you

The only way I could see this working would be if this were only an option left up to the developer and it would only work in cases where competition exists.

To all of you that left comments regarding the fact that those organs could have gone to 6 other lives... I hope you guys got the attention you needed oh so badly by being so insensative.

You're correct to say it takes years to develop.... Reverse engineering on the other hand takes only a fraction of the time.

This technology could actually bring us a decent dock that would easily adapt to case sizes as well... I imagine it wouldn't be too difficult to create a dock adapter to add on to existing 30 pin docks to make them mag safe as well...As for existing vehicle connections... I'm seeing more and more cars go with

I have yet to see any business that requires the constant use of any Microsoft office program to try and run single handedly on any tablet. Maybe I'm wrong here but if you spend the time to create, read, or edit any kind of document in any kind of MS Office program, you're gonna want a mouse and keyboard, plain and

A ranch fountain would be better

I hate when people say stuff like "we should not be paying them to play games."

So what should we call things that are built and/or designed to meet or exceed military specifications?

@Riff-Raff: "What I'm more surprised at is cell towers actually send signals in to the sky. I was under the impression that they were primarily unidirectional, and only pointed to ground. Making the towers omnidirectional only sounds unnecessarily expensive and power-hogging."

@ɹǝʇɹɐɔ: SPCA feeds their dogs the cheapest, shittiest dog food. Military/Law Enforcement working dogs get the filet mignon of dog food...

@BowlingForDollars: If there's anything more over rated than Android, it's the need for flash on a mobile phone...

I'm amazed there are more examples of people taking pictures of planes than computer monitors or TVs......

why not make a comparison on how many apps are actually worth while on the two markets?

hm... apple (a company that makes portable electronic devices) wants a substance that has the ability to store and retreive elastic energy... think about it...

I would LOVE to see someone perform a drop test with case-mates hybrid (2 case, rubber/plastic) setup. Any volunteers?

@tw@t: Believe it or not, the ability to fling underwear is more useful... I bet it gets used everyday...

@badasscat: We should leave obese people alone. If they want to change their lives for the better, let them. Otherwise, let them live their lives the way they want..

@NuevoLeon: I used to be one of those haters. I got my iphone and LOVE it.