You aren't alone! I introduced my girlfriend to Gibson not long after we started dating; after plowing through most of his bibliography and loving all of it, she settled on Blue Ant as her favorite.
You aren't alone! I introduced my girlfriend to Gibson not long after we started dating; after plowing through most of his bibliography and loving all of it, she settled on Blue Ant as her favorite.
The entire bibliography of Alistair Reynolds, particularly his short fiction. Like Arthur C. Clarke, he has a gift for effectively, gracefully depicting the vastness and mystery of space exploration. Unlike Clarke, however, Reynolds' work tends to have a strong undercurrent of existential terror tinged with gothic…
Too Jewy for me, 1 star
Probably the best pull quote that book will ever get.
Don't you fucking threaten me.
I have to give Pixar a lot of credit for never going totally bonkers with big-name casting. The top priority always seems to be giving their characters the right voice, which may or may not belong to a notable celebrity. Dreamworks, on the other hand, gave us Martin Scorsese as a goddamn talking blowfish.
Can you better explain what role the federal government plays in the case of a douchey B-list sitcom actor throwing shade at a few of his peers and experiencing consequences for it? I'm trying to understand, but I'm really quite stupid.
Lars von Trier?
The actual, literal, Constitutional parameters of "Freedom of Speech" don't apply to this situation in any way. But thanks for playing!
17th Precinct, right? I still haven't gotten around to tracking down the pilot, and it does sound like the sort of high-concept "IN A WORLD WHERE…" series that fizzles out halfway through its first season, but I mourn it on principle solely because of how incredible its central cast would have been.
"…currently seeking funding for future episodes, which include 'Wolf Of Wall Street,' about a sexually frustrated werewolf and a tale about what it’s like growing up in a celebrity family like the Kardashians, titled 'Finding Nemo,' because Disney is pretty bad when it comes to depicting women, too."
That's a perfectly valid reason that somehow makes me even more annoyed!
"It's not a sequel. It’s not a remake. It has no tie with the original Prey as is. It’s more like a reimagining of the IP."
The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack. No, really!
That depends on your definition of "actually". But there are two episodes of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia built around the main characters filming unliscensed Lethal Weapon sequels, and both of them are utterly hilarious.
And why the hell not? It worked in Lethal Weapon 5.
But there is no Entourage 2. THERE IS NO ENTOURAGE 2!
I can and will take any excuse to yell "What's up, you fuckin' Lorax?". I said it to my dog the other day.
And we already have a guy who does that all the time!