Carol Lipton

This article doesn’t really report it correctly. The local CPS attempted contact three times over the course of a few days. The family was out of town (and possibly already crashed) after the first attempt from what I’ve read elsewhere (I live in Portland and have a friend who knew these people so I’m hearing a lot

I’m sure you saw that it took nearly a month for the authorities to call a that White serial bomber a terrorist, which he was. There’s nothing surprising about the authorities not wanting to call two White women abusive murderers.

What I don’t understand is how they had multiple run ins with CPS with no real action taken.

I said last week, the authorities were jumping through all kinds of hoops, trying to give those women the benefit of the doubt, when it was obvious, especially after we found out the kids were being starved, that fuckery was afoot.

Some states may offer stipends to Foster homes but i’m not sure about full blown adoptions. Either way your assumption about them adopting these kids with ulterior motives is probably true this reeks of virtue signaling. 

these women were lunatics and they used these children. the system that allowed all of these kids to be adopted by these women totally failed them.

As another white person, I concur.

Boy, the authorities are sure going out of their way to give the parents the benefit of the doubt when all signs points to they were doing bad things to those kids and this shit is very, very horrible.

Honestly, as a white person I fail to see why anyone would.

This story is like Get Out in real life. Really hard to put trust in white people after stories like this.

I have Facebook friends in common with this family. Everyone swears up and down that this family was only about “love and light” and some people have forbidden their friends from sharing anything other than that, deeming the child abuse “fake news and rumors”. So we have these two white women (white savior complex?)

They didn’t go off the road though. They pulled off the road into a gravel area that’s also a vista point with no guard rail. Where they went off the cliff was 75 feet from the road. To me it seems they new exactly where they could find a straight path to a giant steep cliff.

Exactly. Why in the world would a parent like the one who put bruises on that child and had been given a 90-day suspended jail sentence and a year of probation be approved for adoption? We’re used to seeing this level of “parenting” in the foster care system, but in my own direct experience of adoption, prospective

I guess it’s possible but without skid marks I have a hard time believing it.

I was about to make the same point. Some of these White people are not adopting Black or other non-White children for the right reasons. This whole story is just tragic. May all those children rest in peace.

What a life. Put up for adoption, abused and now dead. These kids deserved a lot more than that.

Yep, reading this and other stories people have put excerpts about on here I can’t help but think they’d killed one of the kids in the course of the abuse and then decided to commit some suicide pact to escape any consequences of that action.

If a child shows up at 1am asking for help, that would be a good time to call the police. Sigh.

Adopting (Black) children just to murder them? Sounds about right for America.

In my heart, I think that couple had murdered Devonte and his sisters. They knew that their acts of abuse were going to be uncovered, so they killed the other siblings and themselves.