Kevin Strickland

Super late reply butttt....

The way the scam works is when you take the bet they will respond with “I didn’t say where you bought your shoes. I said where you got your shoes, and you got your shoes on your feet!

This actually works because they target one person in a large group. When they pull off the line well the

That’s kind of the point?

I’ve never even played fortnite, and God of War is easily one of my favorite games I’ve ever played, but I can’t deny which is the more important game to the industry as a whole.

Fortnight is making a splash as grand as Nintendo did back in the 80's/early 90's. Everyone knew Nintendo so much

This particular scam is everywhere in New Orleans. I’ve been told the correct answer is “I don’t know where I got them, but I know where they are gonna be.”

There’s two ways I’ve seen.

Either they force you to book the whole room (hello L.A.) or strangers can book but if they don’t then you’re by yourself. At least from what I’ve seen, ones that woulnd’t let you play without a full room would be extremely rare.

We usually just book a room and hope that we get no randos. It

I find it very difficult to skip steps in well designed rooms, which these days is almost any room in a larger city. There are a few exceptions to this, for example most of the ones I’ve done in Houston seemed very behind the times compared to other large cities.

It is VERY rare that you will find a room that has a 10-12 person limit actually require that much. Usually they just want more money and are best with 4-6. My usual rule is “room size divided by 2.” It doesn’t always work but it does most of the time.

These are all great replies. I just did my 63'rd room over the weekend and agree with all of your points, especially not being married to a specific solution. I will say though that when you have the correct solution in a decently designed room it’s usually obvious that it is the correct solution. If you are married

Hi Jason, first time writer but long time reader of your content.