
Are you serious? Are you that insecure? This woman, no matter who she might have been yesterday or who she is today, is beautiful. What do you do for work? I only wonder because she has always worked hard and made her own money. You can call her every name in the book, but this woman found her own way and always made

What is wrong with you sick, sick people? No wonder where in the mess we’re in. This is just sick!

Okay, apparently you don’t have your information straight. Here it is, Obama has been in the White House for the last eight years, and he played a lot of golf, dah what else did he do? Oh, yeah, he paid Iran off, in cash so they could go make their nukes, andddddd, yes, he totally destroyed Syria. Oh, wait a minute, I

And you would know this how, in less than two week’s time? Get a grip and hold on buddy. Your fellow Americans voted for him for a reason. We, as Americans, have become fat and complacent, allowing, everyone and anyone to walk all over us. For instance, do you realize that the immigrants who come here illegally, take