
AND the inspiration for the magazine article in How To Lose A Guy In 10 Dates! How had she not broken through yet? She’s always been a scene stealer, if you’re actually watching.

Maddie, you neglected to mention her greatest role; that of Adam Scott’s long suffering wife Alice in the masterpiece that is “Step Brothers” and seduces man- child Dale Doback (John C Reily)

There’s been a few responses to this letter but this one is my favorite (H/T Backtalk).

The solution is to bring back debtors prisons and workhouses, duh.

I loved that fertility narrative breakdown too. It resonated with me so much. I was sexually active for 14 years before trying for a baby, and I was hyperresponsible and hypervigilant and borderline neurotic for all of it, convinced all it would take was a single instance of unprotected sex for me to get pregnant.

This isn’t about their son. This about his feelings of control. Waah waah, I’m a giant baby and this woman won’t let me control her life!

Where the ratings are great, the plastic surgery is free, painless and with no recovery time whatsoever, and the wine flows from Gatorade canteens.

I was kinda hoping they might start singing doo-wop, then segue to Zeppelin and the New York Dolls in a cross-promotional thing with Vinyl.

I knew it wouldn’t happen, but I was just waiting for Jon’s eyes to spring open.

What do you mean “full” trailer? Even the Twitter account called it a teaser, I’m pretty sure.

Well, darn, I was hoping for an actual test we could take. Like Cosmo quizzes in the ‘80s and ‘90s! (Do they still do those? I bet they still do those.)

😕 I really want to like this movie but so far every line he delivers in teasers and trailers just makes me cringe and think of those friends we all have who still emulate Chandler and think they’re WAY funnier than they actually are. I can’t be the only one.

Kanye getting in the way of Kylie’s paper is indefensible

I never get the people who complain about the Oscars being too long. If I had something important to be doing I wouldn’t be watching the Oscars in the first place.

Holy shit! Tina Belcher is real!

Bey didn’t almost fall - gravity momentarily forgot who it was fuckng with.

Died. I'm dead. This is a ghost commenting. #slayedbyBey

Wow. We dudes are nothing if not persistent. Andy’s been dead thirty years and still managed to send a woman a dick pic.

Isn’t it always the way? You’re just out there trying to buy a couch and the guy tries to give you some strange dick along with what you came for.

Gosh, I love her. She’s just a great person and unabashed nutball.