Wait....the Jonathan Cheban bit......what is going on. I thought he was very openly gay? Is Radar Online throwing shade that I can’t pick up on or something??
Wait....the Jonathan Cheban bit......what is going on. I thought he was very openly gay? Is Radar Online throwing shade that I can’t pick up on or something??
“Yoko Ono was the best thing that happened to John Lennon. The Beatles were holding Yoko Ono back.”
Don’t forget her other Jill Solloway colab, Afternoon Delight. I may have been the only one, but I loved that movie.
Seriously though. I spent a decade thinking I was either going to hell or going to get some sort of karmic retribution if I got even a little reckless. In the south they do a fucking fantastic job of scaring the shit out of you, it’s borderline just an understood piece of life that you will fuck up and pay for it by…
Thank you for your advice! I’m sure she’ll have some feelings about sending those pics to the government, but I think she would take anything at this point.
Not sure if I’ll get any response on this or if anyone even knows, but I’ve researched this everywhere and can’t come up with a solid solution. My best friend sent pictures to her boyfriend at the time and he claims they got stolen off of his laptop and uploaded to these sites. I still doubt this, but my friend…
All these replies are actually really nice to read, thanks for posting this. I’m about 9 months into “let’s just see what happens,” aka a whole lotta nothing. I’ve been feeling super guilty about continuing to drink occasionally, like “maybe that’s why nothing has happened.” I’m gonna go have a vodka tonic now.
HAHA Jenna Marbles’ Face in that clip when Malika asks Tyga about marrying Kylie. So priceless.
Looks like the link is down..
If anyone has to google this, they don’t even need to be on the internet.
Hi, quick request...plz consider making this a regular show. I would watch this all day.
Maybe if you catch one on your tongue, you can get pregnant! All babies want to get borned.
Ahhh gotcha, I was minimally informed back then, I didn’t realize the whole world already knew.
Question..Did Hannibal have some sort of inside scoop,or was this like public knowledge in the comedy community? I had never heard any allegations before this whole thing broke, so I’m just curious how well known this was.
The video haha
I’m too scared to watch this..
Tell me more, I feel like I can guess what it’s about, but I can’t google it on my work computer...haha
I think this whole nonsense of rappers calling themselves “God” is so overblown. With that being said, Kendrick is THE rapper to beat right now. He is an artist in the truest sense. His music consistently gives me chills.
I sincerely don’t understand why this show still exists. Why do people watch this?? It’s so forced and contrived. I could barely get through 30 seconds of the clip above.