Can we all applaud and celebrate that he used landscape mode?
Last time I went through Donner Pass, I stopped on the way up and bought a sandwich, because you never know.
I would totally leak it, but I feel like that would be unfair to all these NCAA executives who work so hard all year (for mere hundreds of thousands of dollars in some cases) to make sure that every single one of these kids preserve their sacred amateur status and the money goes exactly where it belongs: to the adults…
It’s telling that their knee-jerk reaction to an anti-nazi channel is to angrily oppose it.
Step 1 - ignore the left side of this site.
I think we’re breaking it down from the wrong angle: to heck with the kid, who are the dinosaurs?
Just because someone criticizes Hillary Clinton doesn’t invalidate their “wokeness” or make them “not an ally”
3/7/2017, 5am’ish.
It’s all fine and stuff, but it was a bit jarring to see a young Princess Leia show up out of nowhere to pick up that disk off Logan. That scene just threw me.
They will have a tough battle in the first round when they face Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Transjordan, and Iraq simultaneously.
This is good news for Ezeli, but I am sad to hear about Greg Oden’s passing.
One day, when you are three realities deep, completely submerged in an existence that was designed from the ground up on desire, you will browse the Internet while catching your breath in between multigasms (it doesn’t take long - the air here smells of berries and is rich in oxygen) and, by sheer chance, find this…
How did this man not possess the forearm strength to lift himself out of this predictament.
Look at that Gator just fucking strutting along like, “Check this out, assholes. This is my fish. You got a fish like this? Didn’t fucking think so.”
Basically, Buster Bluth running to try to get injured to avoid going into the Army:
Boat load of talent on that kid. Too soon?
This guy definitely walks away from explosions without looking back.
If only there was a way to film those turkeys so they’d all fit in the shot at the same time instead of panning back and forth... Shame.
I’m the opposite; if you put your signal on, I’ll let you in (if it’s a legal merge/lane change) but if I can tell that you want to get over, but are unwilling to signal, I close that gap up tight.