Stuart W Little

No it was intentional. Miller was asked about the same line in the comic once in a letters page entry for Sin City and he said the Spartans would glorify their own deeds and deride the Athenians for doing the same thing. In this case, they consider the Athenians "boy lovers" and themselves "MAN lovers". What a lot of

So because "Glasgow isn't that big" (no, it's just the largest city in Scotland and the third largest in the UK), Radcliffe not only went to school with Fitz's dad, but also rode the same train to work as him? Fuck off, Agents of SHIELD.

I've also just realised how weird it was that the crew joined the Rebellion proper at the end of Season 1, and this wasn't used to shake up their situation all that much. They're the same crew, with the same structure, doing similar missions as they did before. Nobody got reassigned to some other unit they might be

It just annoys me that people just say he's selfish, but ignore that when he made the choice to go back and change things, it was after a speech where he talked about how other people keep getting hurt because of him, so it was motivated by protecting others too.
Not to mention the fact (and I'd REALLY like it if this

He was made an Author, which is someone who's charged with a magic pen to write the stories of the characters, but the pen also had reality altering powers, so he destroyed it. Then last year, when they were in the Underworld and needed the pen for reasons I won't go into, he learned the Pen was a "living breathing"

Too bad in typical AoS fashion, this is portrayed as a BAD thing, as is an intelligence/quasi-military organisation having regulations and proper chain of commands and agents not just being allowed to do whatever they want. They come across as spoiled whiny

"So, seriously, how does Damien Darhk not know that Oliver Queen is Arrow? "
Because earlier in the season, when Darhk was with Ollie, Malcolm posed as Green Arrow, and he presumably hasn't divulged that not only because he doesn't want Oliver just killed, but he wants him to suffer, and doesn't want Darhk to go after

They actually seem to have more free time than he does. While he spent the first 9 months post-Particle Accelerator explosion in a coma, a lot of them were still around, just missing presumed dead. Coupled with the fact Barry has a job and a life, while the villains tend to pursue vendettas with extreme focus, it's

"1000 Years Before The Age of Arthur"- Merlin gets his powers and immortality
"200 Years Ago"- Merlin Meets Nimue
"Several Years Ago (though probably just a few months after meeting her)"- Merlin tells Nimue he drank from the Holy Grail FIVE Hundred Years ago.
That's just bad math, even ignoring that Rumple was the Dark

"To be clear, I am all about an Ezra-centric adventure"
You say that like the whole SHOW isn't Ezra-centric. Him and Kanan dominate the focus, as does the Jedi plot so much I sometimes wonder why this show is even called "Rebels".

I'm bummed they cut the scene from the trailer where Cisco named Papa Snart "Colonel Cold".

So if the knife was responsible for the Ripper killings, does that mean it was stopped that time by one of the prostitute victims infecting it with an STD?

One of the better episodes we've had for a while. Charming got to go on a fun little quest and bond with Arthur, who looks like he could be a pretty complex villain. Dark Emma was actually handled with some nuance in her scenes with Hook, though the fact she was out of that ridiculous costume helped a great deal.

I'm confused about one thing: How did Liv's brother survive if Liv didn't give him her rare blood? Did I miss an explanation?

"But one of the great things about iZombie is that it never buys into the notion that just because people are not human, they're inherently killable (I'm looking at you, every other superhero show on the air right now, and particularly The Flash and Agents of SHIELD). "
How does the Flash fit that? Barry's only ever

I hate how Jedi have to be in EVERYTHING Star Wars related it seems, to the point that a show called REBELS casts the two Jedi as the leads and makes the overall threat always be not the Empire, but an Inquisitor or a Sith. It was pretty bad in this episode when Kana and Ezra are looking over the smoking refugee camp

Actually, I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility that Will is the only survivor and Jack and Alanna are just figments of his imaginations, the same way Jacob Hobbs was. Just less abstract.

The irony is that don't comics actually HAVE a lot of those CW elements? Spider-man is pretty much the most CW-ish superhero out there if you think about it.

The Hunter/Bobbi relationship stuff is the SHIELD equivalent of the Iris stuff(which has gotten better now she knows the truth, btw) to me. I really don't give two s**ts about ex-drama with these two. Just let me see Bobbie do badass spy stuff.

Look at the trailers for Iron Man 3. They were basically promising "Dark Knight Rises, but with Iron Man", but the actual movie had a lot of comedy. Just like the original Ant-Man teaser, which is for a comedy, only had ONE JOKE in it at the very end after a very serious build up via voiceover.
As for Dawn of Justice