Stuart Cooper

I get that being humorously snarky is part of the Jez writer job description, but could it please not be at the cost of completely misinterpreting the topic?

The study wasn't of 2 groups of women, with half looking calm and all smiling faces and shit, and the others grimacing and tearing their hair out - despite the

Really, lets cut the crap here and stop acting like the school is saying this for "good" reasons themselves.

The main, and most important point for me, regarding the "Stock S4" is a question that I haven't actually seen answered yet.

I'd strongly recommend the One over the S4 for music. Samsung devices audio output is really lacking and while I've only played with an S4 briefly, crap speakers seems to be one of the (relatively few) complaints about the device again.

For me, Ros' death was one of the strongest moments of the show last night, by dint of it being both so brutal and so . . . flippant.

I've always just figured "Yellow Fever" was pretty much a simple preference for a thinner figure and small but tight ass that some guys then internally typecast as "Asians have that figure". The rest of the "reasons" follow on from self rationalisation if you're so inclined.

Really Nature? You give the wife gets PPD, the husband gets even more "I'm so sexy" than a normal guy, and they both get overtired from having a new baby.

Yes, also the Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle which I see in the image above.

You should probably also put a "You will die from an epileptic fit" warning on that "Does Joffrey die?" spoiler.

Thankyou so much, you just made my day.

It's better than when I actually changed the status to "Married". I promptly started getting divorce lawyer ads. . .

The financial markets that were open while I was asleep.

Shirts / T-shirts: Once

We had a uniform at our school, but it included pants and shirt options for the girls, as well as long skirts and short(er) skirts. The guys had pants, 2 possible lengths of shorts, both long and short sleeved shirt options, and the tie was completely optional - for both sexes.

I'm Australian, we wore school uniform. It's honestly not a big deal.

Kind of disagree with you there. Having a mixture of races and cultures in a relationship gives you a bigger variety of possible viewpoints for any opinion without it just being "It's good/bad".

I'm doubtful. The daughters of the heads of Korea's Chaebols don't exactly stand out for any reason professionally.

Actually, there's a mass of evidence that suggests as part of pregnancy the hormones released also re-plasticize your brain. This allows you to learn new habits and responses quickly, which is essential for dealing with an infant.


Very well said actually, and you have my sympathies, but I do have to say that your combined acknowledgement, yet resigned acceptance of the issue kind of freaks me out.