The problem there though isn't the rocket, it's the payload structure on the current rocket.
The problem there though isn't the rocket, it's the payload structure on the current rocket.
Right there with you on that one. Awesome, fanboyish, and subtle all at once.
Possibly a clever move, possibly not. It's worked out ok for the Kim's in North Korea, but then it's easier to just never give people a tool than it is let them have it, then take it away.
I've only ever had one recorded bout of sleeptalking. I turned to my gf and said, in a very serious voice, "As your mother would say, take everything but the plants."
Too late on the married front.
Mostly it's because anyone who makes serious cash in finance says either "I'm an investment banker" or "I'm in stocks" when you get introduced because it saves a lot of discussion about whatever esoteric niche of finance you're actually involved in.
Correlation |= Causation.
This is actually one of the first reasonable arguments I've heard for their survival in a long time. Carrying a Blackberry once signified you were one of a few high powered business people (back before smartphones became common, and the Blackberry became standard fare for office drones everywhere). I agree they can't…
I'm going bowling tonight, and I'm totally using the pink ball.
Crows and cetaceans passed the mirror test? I must have missed that.
Good call, but not yet. They're definitely intelligent, even to the point of tool usage, but then so are crows, and they are definitely not self conscious.
I'd agree with LinuxPirates here. TVTorrents is one I've been using for a while, and found it fantastic.
I've been of the opinion we shouldn't test on apes ever since I decided to base my ethical views on the idea that humans are important, and deserve a right to life, because we are self-conscious.
Yes and no. Yes there are some great ICS roms out from XDA. No, not for every device, just because of the drivers. If you're on a device which originally came out with 2.1 or 2.2, and hasn't had an official upgrade to gingerbread, then you're likely to have problems trying to get those (now very old) drivers to play…
The problem is that unless the rom is based on a leaked rom for your device, or a very similar device, then you're going to end up with a bit of a grab bag of what works perfectly and what has lots of bugs.
The Rue from the book was explicitly described as dark skinned, and they even linked to another article talking about the fact in *this* article.
Actually that's a phone (despite what the article calls it). A freaking big phone, but a phone none-the-less.
Damn. I've had the Defy for a year and never used it to win a free drink in a bar. I feel like, as much as I've used and abused the phone, that potential has gone to waste.
There are 5 Note's in my office and only 6 iPhone 4S. (I personally own neither)
Why would it be illegal? All it is, in essence, is a highly effective form of advertising.