
Anyone else hoping that woman's T-shirt had a picture of Frasier Crane on it?

Anyone else watch this show on a 5.1 system? The best use of surround sound in a TV show ever.
If you love this show and don't have 5.1, buy yourself an amp and you'll love it 10x more!

Knife Wrench.

Really enjoyed season 1 but I hope they dial back the celebrity cameos, 201 and 202 have both someone pop up, hey I'm ……… look at me be funny for a couple of pointless scenes.

Well thats good, season 3 just spun its wheels.

The music in this season has been awesome, War Pigs sounded great in the finale!

Thanks @disqus_hbOv1r934s:disqus .Not a fan of her comedic style - but I'll try and track down those podcasts.

Can someone explain Natasha Leggero to me, I've seen her in a few things and I'm having a hard time warming to her. Is she permanently playing a character? (you know, the high society thing - fancy dog in one hand - cigarette in the other) or is that really her?

This season reminds me of GTA V

"I'm Full Of Myself"

I think Hannibal has benefited by being on a network station, it has limits that it must work within.
Rather than being held back by these limits, Hannibal has used them to create something very special.