Solarge Knowles

Please ignore the racist piece of shit troll WhiteyAfrodite.

Firstly they would never push a black female singer into pop especially if she is dark skinned. We are maxed out with Beyonce and Rihanna. It’s now popular for white looking/passing artist to do pop with R&B style vocals and rap influence (see: Ariana Grande, Demi Lovato, Sam Smith, Adele, Halsey) Most likely push a

The streets are lined with black female rappers who have way more talent than Iggy but get no where because they aren’t pretty white girls

Um, men who were/wanted to fuck her literally looked at her and said “She is white and “exotic” looking. She should have a career.” That’s not how it works for other artists. She had a bunch of Black men kissing her ass, teaching her, and pushing her simply because they were infatuated with the idea of a white female

A decade of work with people who knew what they were talking about telling her that she really wasn’t good enough to do what she was trying to do...not that she was too white to do it, but that she didn’t have the talent and needed to shift focus a little. And still she made it on the charts and still she got paid.

“Would a black woman who wanted to rap have been told to do pop instead?”

All through this article producers and directors are trying to get her to go pop instead of hip-hop, and when she finally does try to do hip-hop everyone holds it against her that she is white.

Nobody is crying any tears for this poor, beleaguered white girl who was handed a music career based on her whiteness, while a few people tried to steer her away from the cultural appropriation she so needed to commit. Fuck her.

Can we also talk about the fact that a lot of people were more interested in the chorus of that one song than the actual verses? Like, sure, there are definitely specific parts of her verses that I sing and get a little hype on, but what I’m mostly singing along with is... “I’m so fancy / you already know....”

I think she’s a very good actress. Like any actress though, she needs the right roles. She was very good in Joy despite that film being “poo”.

So, the funny thing being that Bardem is 48, and so is Arnofsky. Lawrence is currently dating Arnofsky.

Those are pretty toned down for a fashion show.

And Riri’s top would be killer without the ugly ass across the side.

Call me when there are more than two women directors in Hollywood and they make as much as all the men directors, all the time.

Looking at RiRi’s collection like

But if we blame republicans and white supremacists then we are just as bad as them. Better to blame Obama and call ANTIFA and BLM terrorists instead of holding nazis accountable for being nazis. Don’t fight hate with hate. Blah blah.  

Sure, best to join in on blaming the Black president instead.

Instead of doing something asinine like blaming the person that gave these people what he intended to be a temporary respite to be followed by legal standing let’s instead blame the 63 million white supremacist/white supremacist adjacent/white supremacist apologist/closet white supremacist types that voted for this

Attraction doesn’t occur in a vacuum. Once upon a time, not so long ago, it was the societal norm to be more into fat women than thin women. The class/body shape flip happened, and now we think the opposite. There’s no way attraction isn’t shaped by its cultural context. That is worth thinking about.

I think it’s because there are social and political issues around marginalization and stigma that deserved to be worked through. Like if someone said they “don’t date black people”—there’s a meaningful difference between that statement and “I don’t date men with facial hair”.