Solarge Knowles

You said that shit, sis...

I’m glad you lit that ass up.

Bey gets a pass. She was on the go since yesterday night. And she was in a rush to get to the ball cause her and Jay saw Dear Evan Hansen last night and she stayed behind to meet and talk to the cast and crew backstage after the show. And if you know anything about that show, it is an emotional rollercoaster.

Joss Whedon got paid big bucks for the sequel. More than Jenkins, though cause Avengers made bonkers amount of money.

I don’t understand why she doesn’t produce a line of “accessible” clothes for the general public. The shoes are fire, but the clothes are very silly and overpriced. The designer of the clothes needs to be wheeled in a bit.

Unpopular Opinion Time:


Anyways, Rihanna is the most important pop icon of this generation and you hoes will just have to deal.

Then she’s just not your type. Move the fuck along.

The hyperbole from both Jennifer Lawrence and these replies are so on brand for Jezebel. lol

Which she’s known to do for comedic effect.

I went through a terrible time when her Vulnicura album was released two years ago. I cried myself to sleep, every night for about a month, listening to that album.

I’m rooting for Meghan Markle.

Ashley Ray-Harris explained it in the episode that it happened. When Issa and Kelli were talking about why they don’t like giving blowjobs. Sure it’s close-minded thinking, but it’s something many women, especially some black women can relate to.

This show, guys...This fucking show!

It’s so boring...




Fuck Azor Ahai!