I’m here for anything that drags Bernie.
I’m here for anything that drags Bernie.
Well I mentioned they were white because I wanted to build the image for whoever was reading my post. Pot smokers come in all shapes, colors and sizes, so I wouldn’t be surprised who is a pot smoker and that includes Anne Hathaway. Good day.
Check out Minka’s instagram, they have a pic with some white woman between them from when they were in Paris and she has some #woke posts up which could be the influence of getting dicked down by Jesse Williams. Blind Gossip reported on this a while back and an hour ago, they just tagged it as a solved, confirming the…
Prosper Serena and Alexis, prosper! I wish them a healthy pregnancy and baby!
Kendall is a basic ass model, nothing more. She’s owes everything to her family. She thinks she’s above that show, but she’s just like the rest of them.
Sis, I think Jesse Williams cheated on his wife with the basic ass serial dater Minka Kelly. If this is true, I’m pissed off about this story for multiple reasons.
Really Jesse, MINKA KELLY!?! I’m so fucking disappointed in you.
Ma’am, you completely misinterpreted the thread. The OP commented about how they don’t buy Anne Hathaway being a pot smoker because she’s a drama club geek. I rebutted that by pointing out that living in Los Angeles, you should never assume who smokes pot or not. You should read my comment again.
Growing up and living in Los Angeles, I never assume or am surprised by who is a stoner or smokes pot occasionally because everyone here practically smokes pot. My freshman year in college, I went to a friends’ parents home in Woodland Hills and I met his parents’ while they were smoking from these very expensive…
Anne Hathaway definitely strikes me as the type of rich white woman who you’d never guess was a pothead, but is or used to be one.
I was scolded in the comment section of this very site when I said Chris Pratt mostly likely is a republican and voted for Trump.
She’s one of the producers on Danai Gurira’s plays that were on broadway. Lala been had her own money and fame.
Listen, I’ve been ready to physically fight Kid Rock when he came for Beyonce two years ago.
As Janet Jackson said, “we are all works in progress” trying to break free from the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.
I agree, hottie. lol
OT, but 50 Cent was completely correct when he said Kendrick Lamar has the persuasion to make you think he’s not as much of a mainstream commercial artist as someone would think Drake to be. But “Good Kid, M.a.a.d city” was very mainstream and had an amazing marketing campaign as well.
Loyalty is fine, if they would have taken out that stupid pre-chorus by DJ Dahi.
Protest and political awareness is so “in” right now. The marketing firms for corporations like Pepsi and fashion houses saw the way people came out in droves to oppose or speak out against the Trump administration. This is nothing new.
As someone who considers myself Riverdale trash. I think all these people coming for the show need to realize that it’s the first season of a show. I think it’s been a bonkers and great show, it does need to improve in a lot of places.
Are we not going to talk about all the people on this very site who said that Beyonce was a selfish capitalist wench for not turning down the Coachella gig because of the homophobic causes the Coachella owner gave money to.