Solarge Knowles

I grew up in a liberal Christian household and I think this article and study is on motherfucking point!

This is very true.


A low key BOP, y’all.

This is about shade, sis... Gon’ somewhere with this.

Mess at a stan getting that question through. Naomi and Rihanna will be back to being “industry friends/family” soon, that’s how these things work. The fashion industry is full of mess and vanity. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was over the Cara/Naomi fight that allegedly got kinda physical at a nightclub. The

This whole thing is laughable.

I follow some of these girls on instagram. Had no idea they were filming this show.

Yeah, I think I need to see the clothes off the runway and styled differently. This collection might be the type that works best with individual FentyxPuma pieces as outfit standouts, but not full on FentyxPuma looks.

What did you think of Rih’s Puma show. I wanted to like the pieces, but...I wasn’t feeling any of it at all. I liked her last Paris run with the pink/Marie Antionette athleisure vibe, but not this time around. :-/

Google is free.

Great message, JT...But you still suck for what you did to Janet and for trying to come for Prince with yo’ weak ass diss.

I think Self-Titled could have opened up conversations about how we negotiate feminism in regards to various aspects of a woman’s (Beyonce’s) life, whether it’s in relationships, sex, or her career. But instead the conversation was about how whether or not Beyonce had the right to call herself a feminist. And that

I would’ve never knocked them for even attempting to keep it about the kids from the start of their separation. This is something I don’t mind people taking away from Goop and Chris.

Right?!? That comment came out of nowhere, like sis, simmer the fuck down.


If you’re serious, my only response is: Of course you did.

Oh well, girl.

This story breaks my heart. I was in a puddle in my own tears just reading about him and his foster mother. Everyone needs to know this story.

This beef is not the end of her career if she doesn’t it let it be so.