
Funny seeing you here....

Ding ding ding

Might be VERY location dependant though.

I couldn’t find any examples on carmax, and a cursory check of craigslist showed 22k, but for 15k more miles, no blower, and no manual.

Sure- but that’s why I said “checked out”.

Just wait, give us another 100 years of government bloat and there WILL be some government agency revolving around toenails. 

Ding ding ding.

Exactly. If I had the spare 25k for a truck/toy, or wanted something that could do everything except be efficient with gas I don’t see this as a waste.

Me too man, me too.

The truck is more usable.



This comment is accurate to a T, and explains my largest complaints about my fellow millennials, and a large reason Trump got elected....

Funny, but pretty offensive millennial take on this. Flip this around a bit and half of Giz/Jez crowd would be up in arms.

Yes, yes they do.

3, especially.

Are you also aware of the elements of xenophobia in Japanese culture, and other incidents of casual racism in anime?

H Christ.

Yeah that sonic game was garbage.

This is not true-