No, no, i was looking forward to the “crying warren/bernie supporters” memes when they lose yet again by failing to see how labeling half the country idiots for not being as progressive as them is a shot to the foot.
No, no, i was looking forward to the “crying warren/bernie supporters” memes when they lose yet again by failing to see how labeling half the country idiots for not being as progressive as them is a shot to the foot.
Yeah, it’s crazy how foxy she still as after all this time.
I’m chafing under your statement.
Was that a scantily-clad tentgirl!?
I dunno... I’d have to get it checked out, but the cleanliness of it makes me think it was well maintained, not thrashed out.
Nah, fucker in front of the trolly.
I wasn’t focusing on the FSL program, but sure.
Found the guy who chose sociology at penn state because he wanted to party, and now realizes he’s spending the next 30 years of his life paying school loans.
Well, it was close to being great, but ends up looking kind of a mess.
This has confused my brain like a 3-D puzzle.
I had first dibs, I swear.
Nah, I want to reward your effort as much as it deserves.
The fuck are you on about?
“I made stupid decisions but I don’t want to pay for them!”
Exactly. And if you look at a graph you’ll see the sharp increase in costs for colleges coincides for government involvement in student loans.
“Why should the village idiot get a check for a million dollars? It must be because they cried enough”
I wasn’t talking about the banking industry, but yeah, we shouldn’t have done it there either.
Oh, I’m not trying to pick on penn, depends on alot of factors.
In state, out of state, etc.