
It’s possible your reading comprehension is lacking, so I’ll explain my comment for you, so you don’t have to translate it.

To each their own, I’m just not in the market of blowing 5k on a random old car.

311 is a fantastic band live.

I don’t mind them swapping a manual for push button, truely, but what the fuck is that mess of design.

Nobody is trying to pretend that the previous EU was perfect and had no shitty books, comics, etc.


You do realize some of the greatest historical works contain racism, right?

Hi Russian FSB agent.



It’s an older model sir, but the Username checks out.


Holy shit some of these takes.


This is exactly what I think of when I hear the name beretta

Have you looked at C6 Z06 prices?

Do the Challenger.

Man, if you’re willing to plop the 3.3 mill for these you must really have a thing for Big Black Cars.

The gungans, honestly, didn’t bother me much more than lucas’s other stupid jokey humour, like the Ewoks. I rolled my eyes and moved on.
