
I literally said “any of the gungans”. What part of “glaring spots of horribleness” didn’t reach you?

Are we ignoring the fact that jussie is a lying scumbag who got let off through some shady shit?

Got to circle the wagons to protect those you like, even if they’re horrible people.

I’m so glad splinter’s breeding ground of hate and violence has spread over here so it too can get shutdown. 

Aww your anger is so cute.

I’m assuming there’s some sort of key or login password to access.

I got this vibe too, and I loved it.

Yeah this ATST was actually fucking scary.

Cheesy compared to the get-out-of-jail-free mando raid from last episode?

Agree completely and want to add-

No, there’s like 3 other idiots who used boomer at me.

I gave your reply about as much effort as you did.

What’s in the bag?

Nice not-reply to anything I said.

Are you blind?

You must have missed the part of my reply where I said the prequels were perfect movies and jar jar was the best.

You must have missed the part of my reply where I said the prequels are amazing movies without flaw.

It must be tough fighting for such a wrong take.

Are you high?

Yes, all 20 of them.