
Not really flashy.

I know it can.... somewhat. ;P

He’s ditching a 2011 that’s getting long in the tooth for him, so I assume trading up a year or two (or even going back) isn’t acceptable.

SS is the best here-

For 35k? Good luck

The SS is a good option, but you guys left out the obvious, best grunt.

Good, I hope you’re not in charge of anything more strenuous than making bad calls on an internet forum.

Great, than how was your take so bad, and lacking in common sense?

Shit take.

Thank our shitty tax code, and ridiculously high corporate taxes that encourage companies to leave america and play tax games to avoid paying.

True- but the funny thing is Trump for all his garbage has done more for what the republican voters have wanted than most of the previous few. 

I’m sorry I came here looking to be pissed at uber and large robber barons and now you’ve ruined it. RUINED IT.

That’s a state or county issue, NOT a federal government issue, dumbass.

TO be fair to both sides, the current crop of democrat’s answers involve “Tax the rich at 90% and give the money to those who didn’t feel like struggling in college”

Hot taek here, but I like this.

This is the most uplifting popular opinion piece I’ve read on anyone older than 30 in the last 6 months. Props. 

What fairer shake do you deserve? What fairer shake have you not gotten?

No way in 30 years.

Please pass this along to the petulant children that make up our government (on both sides (looking at you Trump, AOC) and we might be able to actually get things done.....

Life’s not fair.