
do you “need” a fully loaded work truck at 70k a pop?

They keep redoing the Halo Trilogy....

I can go with this.

wait what? I don’t think either of those are- that sounds like some headcannon.

This, right here.

I get the joke/hate, but this is false.

Yeah this list isn’t bad, but is inconsistant.

Walking Dead over ME3? ME3 may have been decisive, but it still brought a long-running series to a close in a good way, and I barely even remember TWD game.

Neutral: Speed limits.


Go back to fucking splinter.

Free market wins again

She’s a fucking clown, trying to get paid, evidently.

“I wasn’t offered as much as I think I’m worth, they’re racist”

Speak for yourself, I actually enjoy the carspotting videos. Especially in clusterfuck cities like NYC, it’s nice seeing the few leftovers that are driving enthusiast cars.

I don’t think he said he’s giving up motorcycling period- just the racing.


It’s kind of like watching your kid doing something stupid and capable of temporary self-harm...

I Could be wrong, but I think they’re all the same guy...

For procurement purposes- I completely agree with you.