
Ding ding fucking ding.

Nah, because then you’ll deserve all the shit that hits you at their age.

Hmm.... Well, the economy, my 401k, and China getting called up short beg to differ.

How does Stalin’s boot taste?

None of that pertains to how good of a president he can be.

Ding ding, this is the truth.

They suffer budget cuts first which leads them to run pretty lean and focused. I think it’s the rest of the military that’s bloated and needs a cut.

Eh, it’s all personal taste. This is for going up against the Demon, the ZR1, etc.

As the splinter writers and now deadspin has found out- it’s hard to have a job if you shit on your boss.

This should actually be OP’s take, not his garbage one.

Do you need a pretzel for all that salt?

You’re joking, right?

Sure- they were good, and fucking with it may be idiocy (in their view, clearly)

Nah, splinter can take a walk off a short pier.

New boss comes in- he needs to learn about the company, but he also needs to feel comfortable and secure that his own people won’t stab him in the back, or will follow his lead. That’s why he’s the leader.

The splinter rejects always miss the irony.

Nah, actually, that’s not how that works.

It’s also why I think the internet may have been a mistake....


The one person speaking truth in this irony-ridden godawful thread.