Angry, hate-filled protectors- seems like a cult to me.
Angry, hate-filled protectors- seems like a cult to me.
Jesus (lol) dude, go back to splinter and calm the fuck down.
This doesn’t mean the Tesla is completely knocked out either-
Frankly, it sounds like idiots on both sides.
Bad/incorrect take.
That’s... exactly what the marines are for.
You sound salty, also, barstool at least doesn’t have it’s head in the clouds and knows how the world works
It’s ok, you tried.
No, I’m alleging nothing of the sort.
Corvette Z06 is in that territory in canadian.
How’s the communist boot taste in hongkong, comrade?
Are you still sad splinter got shutdown?
This needs to be way, way, higher.
It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.
Seriously. It’s weird how drastic the change in interior quality was around 2012. It’s like GM collectively figured out how to actually make decent interiors overnight.
Are you still weepy over splinter?
To tag in with my other point- not everyone is you/has your self control/outlook/respect/etc.
Dude, calm down.
as someone who’s C6 glove box latch just fell out because they couldn’t engineer a fucking lock properly... I feel attacked.