
I agree with your spirit, however two door and old 4x4 = someone in the country having fun beatin it.
Assuming they drop the price 3/4k this will sell and finally live it’s purpose. 

I have a 2door explorer.

Wait, who likes the spindle?

Check your adblocker.

Boob colors, in honor of kaycog

Dude, go back to your junior level climate class and call me when you get some hair on your balls, and learn to stop using XD like a 00's highschool emo.

If I was here trying to be popular I’d be kissing ass.

Every industry screams about something.

Eh, I usually try to share my point with people without the shaming, I feel it’s better to appeal to what motivates them, and work that angle than shame.


This I agree with. I think it’s an evolution.

Europe is much tighter geographically than the US. Same with Japan, etc.

The weak and insecure will never stop chicken-littling until they die.

Then my reply stands as reply to the sentiments expressed by OP and the author that SUV’s are bad and we should feel shame for driving them. Imagine if this article was phrased as “You should feel bad for driving your Lamberrari 911, or Mustaro SRT-8 because it’s not as efficient as a Prius.”

Partially- but I think it’s more complex than that.


Move away from the tahoe if you think it’s hampering you that much.

Yes, because we’re exactly 3 years from complete planet-wide armageddon.

I love when you show your true disposition towards me- that of a fan desperate to fuck his idol.

Was my reply to the article?