Agreed. Mass transit’s usefulness is overblown though. Unless you live in a NE city, and the mass transit is well integrated it usually either is dirty, doesn’t come often enough, or doesn’t have a stop anywhere you need to go.
Agreed. Mass transit’s usefulness is overblown though. Unless you live in a NE city, and the mass transit is well integrated it usually either is dirty, doesn’t come often enough, or doesn’t have a stop anywhere you need to go.
Go back to the root where you can high-five yourself for “dragging” because that’s what makes you feel better about yourself.
Oh yeah because we’re literally one year away from environmental meltdown.
Awww I’m touched you remember me.
I don’t think they’re waiting for us to do something.
I think it’s overblown.
No, I’m basing my opinion on experience in a decent amount of SUV’s which generally all come in the same “elevated toaster-on-wheels” shape.
It’s almost like there’s other sources of CO2 than the US?
Nah, I think we’re on the right path. We’re working toward being cleaner slowly. Electric cars are coming along.
Call me when you get China and India in line. Until then, *yawn*
LOL. Bro, I sportscar/suv/motorcycle/sedan so don’t come at me.
Agreed. Most state’s road maintence taxes were based upon fuel taxes (Smart right? More fuel used = more wear on road = more money to repair roads)
I get the feeling you don’t understand how people work.
Look at that, something we can agree on when you’re not resorting to insults.
Lol you couldn’t be further from the truth.
The point of no return isn’t anywhere in the near future you imbecile.
Fuck you too, buddy.
worse road visibility, worse safety overall. < SUV/trucks are better.