Stryker Trailwood

nope, just another variant of personal airbags

it got enough supporters for LEGO to even go through with the model, which is at least 10,000, so quite a bit of people will want to buy it.

This, buy used. Discount and of course they are hardly used, as is the thing to say about most HD riders.

good review as usual, also I could not put my finger on what looked a little off about the wheels until you said it! it’s just almost there, and the difference between the wheels and the badge is likely just the matte vs. shiny finish, they definitely should be the same shade to look right.

This was my thought as well, the only wrinkle I see is capacity. Where the “Mazda2” is sold as one version, it isn’t sold as any of the others, so even though they are building for Toyota, they aren’t directly building for themselves in the same markets either.

everything about this is great. so great that they all got to experience this like that.

I like the honda ruckus pit bike!

I had a honda ruckus that I swapped the 49cc motor for 150cc, which is pretty normal for several people to do, some even go a lot bigger.

Yup, my mom’s car has a normal oil change interval of 10K as well

great review as usual, i really like that headlight and the contrast to the exposed frame section, i would have hoped the turn signals to the sides looked more bespoke to the bike like the headlights/taillights.

as always, fantastic impressions and links for gear

That’s what she said.

I see the similarities, but it doesn’t bother me at all, still looks like a maserati, looks good to me.

this reminds me of my friend who misremembered the Skittles slogan and told us all to “feel the rainbow”, lol

sadly, the world doesn’t owe you the life of everyone and everything in it to only be of what you find acceptable, unless you’re in the same kinda world Donald Trump thinks he lives in.

I put a dealership ad on a friends car and my car for a couple days and they payed our gas needed to drive from dallas to vegas and back. I even designed it myself so it wasn’t over-large or ugly.

These guys.... bastards

yea, never needed a breaker bar for anything that would use a little ratchet.

Our favorite breaker bars were the handles from hydraulic jacks.

i didn’t say it made sense or either is right or wrong.