
Oh look it’s the edgy atheists with their unique take!

Has nothing to do with capitalism, has everything to do with human nature.

It’s a racial slur in general

Nah, you’re just a racist psycho

Fucking dumbass bitch

Boo hoo

Ding ding ding.

Killmonger wasn’t that great. He’d be number 4 behind Thanos.

Oh no not the old white man!

You’re an idiot. US has top tier healthcare. It’s the price that’s the difficulty

Oh good, the performative grandstanding has mmade it to F1

Because the stupid communist fascists that write for here hate to see private enterprise/billlionares doing things “only” the government can.

Because the stupid communist fascists that write for here hate to see private enterprise doing things “only” the government can.

Sitting in the left lane going slower than Traffic.

This... is a horrible title and advice.

Do you realize how pathetic you sound?


Safety bullshit.

Yeah, you want to know how capitalism works?

You’re wrong.