

This right the fuck here.

You are fucking retarded

This is a stupid post

Cry more about police 

Cry more jackass

Good fucking luck.


Counterpoint, I can count on multiple hands how many times I’ve seen SNAP and other welfare recipients driving around in Mercs and BMW’s.

Counterpoint, I can count on multiple hands how many times I’ve seen SNAP and other welfare recipants driving around in Mercs and BMW’s.

Counterpoint, I can count on multiple hands how many times I’ve seen SNAP and other welfare recipants driving around in Mercs and BMW’s.

The fuck?

Counterpoint, I can count on multiple hands how many times I’ve seen SNAP and other welfare recipants driving around in Mercs and BMW’s.

Counterpoint, I can count on multiple hands how many times I’ve seen SNAP and other welfare recipants driving around in Mercs and BMW’s.

You’re wrong. 

Very racist of you, dipshit

Police stops? Ha ha ha no.


Sounds like natural selection.
