
Mmmm there are things I don’t like about the C3.... but everything forward of the windshield is just mmmmmmmm..


Such a shame nuclear got ... “nuked”

Cry more child.

People who say “ACAB” instantly tell me everything I need to know about them.

Yup. GTA V every car feels the same, and they all grip like F1's.

Strong disagree. GTA V cars handle horribly. And by horribly I mean every car feels exactly the same. Every hypercar handles within 5% difference of every other hyper car. Every musclecar feels like every other musclecar.

Well that’s some big fucking mental hoops to jump through.

Harsh? Robbing a bank isn’t exactly a crime of opportunity... 

No- you’re right. He comes across a touch defensive (which I would too if someone was critiquing my product) but also as generic media training.

This isn’t entirely accurate.

That was one of the sport-ish trucks. I think Chevy or dodge.


Who gives a fuck about charging?

Huh, that sums up my feelings on current American politics quite nicely, both right and left.

Cry moar

Dude, it’s a lost cause.

You are fucking bonkers.

Oh no, a company that makes weapons of war makes the postal truck?

GMG media doesn’t let facts get in the way of sensationalism and hair-pulling .