

As a realistic person this is fucking retarded/.

Yawn. Good fucking luck.

Wahhhhh and the left has this site.

Because DC’s is so forced.

I don’t know about that. I was like.. 4 or 6 when I saw it for the first time and that one scene where ET get’s scared and his head JUMPS up, and his eyes flare open scared the shit out me every time I saw it. ET isn’t super cuddly.

This right here.

Are you fucking retarded?

You are fucking retard

Fuck off to go fuckurselfstan

Funny. Especially Considering this particular media organization’s penchant for telling all of america what they should and shouldn’t like.

Right? Especially Considering this particular media companies penchant for telling all of america what they should and shouldn’t like.

Proof is a bitch, lyncher

No, it’a fuckers like you that CRY AND SCREAM and scare WB into firing him- even when there’s like 3 of you.

And here you people go proving him right.

Cry more, you fuckers.


No. Ditch Alternative fuels.

And these are the people you want teaching your kids?

Just do like the wire does, section off a an abandoned or empty part of a town as “legal for racing” post a cop or two to keep the peace, and tell everyone “do it on your own peril”