
Do some actual journalism and research prices even if you get your stuff for free, most people don't.

I've always wanted to ditch my car for public transit, but it's not reliable enough as far as routes and distances. Now I live in the south I would like a scooter. 75mpg is quite appealing.

Yeah. Transparency is only going to help the employees and hurt companies who are currently exploiting the taboo behind openly discussing compensation. If there is a rational pay disparity between individuals the company should have no problems justifying it. It becomes a system that rewards those who perform and

I loved SimCity 4 because all the shitty AI could be corrected via user developed mods. Suddenly no no longer need 4x the industry compared to residential and commercial. My denizens knew how to get on and off the highway and use bus stops! Too bad the new SimCity's DRM puts you at the mercy of the internal "talent."

I tried telling my wife about the Sega Channel and she had no idea what I was talking about.

While slavery is abominable master and slave connotations aren't necessarily racist. Slavery goes back as far as written history and millions of slave owners owned slaves of the same race. In ancient Rome and Greece it is estimated about 80% of the population were slaves.

Typically this means the house is a foreclosure and the previous owner is still there, not letting people take pictures of the property or view it. Buyers essentially don't know what they're getting so they're rightfully wary.

Or, y'know, we could pay adults wages high enough to support a family on one income like we used to before corporate America decide that was yet another cost they could externalize in their quest to deliver higher returns to the super wealthy, er, I mean "shareholders."

I disagree on both accounts. Though I didn't consider all of my subordinates friends I certainly had a familial affection for them and I wanted them to succeed. To say this a perceived conflict of interest is to misunderstand the role of leadership. You're there to facilitate your employees and make sure they have the

Many of the telephone companies and cable companies that followed in South Dakota were granted government endorsed monopoly status (for a set period of time) along with taxpayer funds to help build infrastructure as "incentives" for the companies to open their coffers for infrastructure and ultimately reap profits

I recently moved to Texas and had to switch Cable Companies. I went with TWC because they were the cheapest (every cable company wanted to charge me an installation fee for coming out and climbing the pole UNLESS I bought a TV package too, which I didn't and TWC's was the cheapest install fee).

I was really hoping for a new iPhone but the widescreen form factor looks ridiculous to me. I've actually found myself considering a Nexus.

Most places wouldn't refund the money. Most of the time when you buy a ticket it states something along the line of "No Refunds" meaning if Axle Rose walks out, babbles into the microphone for 30 seconds and leave you're out whatever you paid to see GNR.

Have they solved the problem about finite write-life-cycles yet?

Screw the RIAA, but more so the Supreme court. Oh, to be so eloquent as to kowtow to corporate America as they "interpret" the constitution.

This is probably from 1995.

Why should anyone tolerate the political beliefs of a party that wants to dictate what goes on in your bedroom? If it were possible to shame the GOP and its fanatical idealists I would say go, Giz go! But alas, when your platform is that your imaginary friend endowed you with dogmatic moral superiority it's pretty

Can we please stop treating excessive individual packaging and more landfill waste as some kind of innovation?

Knew someone would beat me to it.