
The first time I watched "There all is aching" I had to pause it about ten times because I was laughing too hard to actually pay attention to anything going on in the episode.

How did she know Ramsay, though? All he did was torture and rape her. She wasn't part of his battle plans, she wasn't there when he plotted his murder of Roose and she wasn't there when he did ANYTHING that didn't directly involve her.

Again, he realized that Ramsay WASN'T going to charge. He had absolutely no chance of winning, so he decided "Fuck it, I'm going out in a blaze of glory".

"then practically reclaiming Winterfell by herself thanks to her cunning tactical move with the Vale army"

The best argument I've seen is that Jon realized that he had no chance of winning (hell, the only strategy they had was "Hold out and hope for the best," which fell apart when it became clear that Ramsay wasn't going to charge) and decided it would be better the charge and do as much damage as possible, as opposed to

Hey man, those of us with neck hair have nothing to be ashamed of. There's dozens of us! DOZENS!

IIRC GRRM has said before that it was consensual. Not only that, the interviews given by the writers/directors/actors have all made it clear that they considered it a consensual act, but WHATEVER.

So we're expected to believe that they've picked up Italian in less than a year, speaking it fluently, but that they speak it poorly? Those ideas really don't work with each other.

Even if Marshall's salary starts off lower than Lily's (it's not like Marshall's taking a low-paying job, anyway) she's only taking the job for a year. The difference in her salary over that year and Marshall's salary isn't nearly as large as the difference between Marshall's salary as a judge and his salary as a

Robin's doubts weren't reasonable, though, at least not as they were presented. She only grew doubtful when the writers basically made her dad Barney, but in the previous appearances he's made he really wasn't anything like the Barnacle.

"His shortsightedness"? He was taking a judgeship. I really don't see how that's shortsighted in the slightest.

What do you mean by "Marshall realizing it was Lily's turn"? When has Lily ever sacrificed anything for Marshall?

I thought the episode was the worst of the season. Lily has always been a horrible character, and the one time she was actually making any kind of sacrifice for their relationship Marshall throws it all away. Here's an idea, why not take the job you know pays well and gives you stability when you have a second child

her tone when she repeated "we're going to italy" pretty much tells you how much she cares about marshall's support yo

She admitted that she, at times, doesn't want to be a mother.