Strummer Girl

I feel your pain. There is no Juggie without Hot Dog. *sad face*

People who claim not to listen to music are the worst people in the world.

Perry's mother was Pierre Trudeau's secretary for a while, I believe. So it's not out of the realm of possibility the two ended up in the same school.
In my experience, the fifth graders loved picking on the third graders. Lots of rocks in snow balls and pushing you as you try to walk across the ice, and laughing when

Davy. He was a fine percussionist, better than Dolenz for sure. Nico was… yeah, kinda there..
VU&N is one of the greatest albums of all time, I listen to it regularly.
But I will forever be a Monkees girl.

Don't die, everyone's favourite effusive ex-pimp. I don't know if I could cope.

It's my dream job. That, and reviews editor at Rolling Stone.
The R.S. job won't exist at all in about five years.
So, yeah. I'll send in a C.V.

Well, no one seems to be able to pronounce Kjeld and Leif correctly, so let's make up some Latin sounding names.
Says the girl with a very Danish name no one pronounces correctly.
BTW, both those other Danish names are very much in my family.

Why not? It's one of the best things I've read in weeks. O'Neal has got a way with words.
I mean that in a good way. GWB has a way with words, too, as in he mangles them.

I gotta say, I've never really read your column, Mike. Probably here and there, when movies I adore pop up. I know I've never read the Children of Men one, because I admit to being precious about that film and I tend to not want to read anything lest someone makes me think too hard about it. But reading this one,

I will never be okay again.
That picture will now be the basis of my nightmares.

Does it end up like Etobicoke and the k is non-existent, so it sounds like Skawticoe or something really bizarre?
Who came up with these names? The Dutch?
I blame the Dutch.

One of my favourite customers ever was a guy with a classic Boston accent. Every time he'd call he'd compliment me on my Albertan accent.
I still insist he's crazy. Then I hear people from Saskatchewan speak and I go "Maybe I'm the crazy one." It's safe to assume that, actually. I am quite bonkers. I'm Albertan.

I named one of my daughters Gwen. She's actually named after Gwen Verdon, who was my dance idol when I was growing up. But the kid was born in 1997, so everyone assumes I named her after Gwen Stefani.
It shouldn't make me mad, but it does. I like No Doubt. But I revere Verdon.
Meanwhile, the kid asks me why I didn't

Schenectady is one of those town names I trip over every time I try and say it out loud. I know what it's supposed to sound like, but my mouth makes it "skinickyticky" for some reason. I come from the land where Osoyoos is a name. Hell, I can tell if you come from my home town based on how you say it's name.
I prefer

My daughter and I were saying that last night as we watched. We like La La Land a lot. We loved Whiplash, we love Emma Stone, we love love love Ryan Gosling. We are whores for a good musical. When we saw it we were charmed by it. But by the time Damien won we were both saying "I'm so over it." Moonlight winning,

Considering there are still people convinced Bette Davis won as a write-in candidate in 1934, I doubt it ever will.
Artsy award fanatics have their conspiracies, too.
My favourite is that Driving Miss Daisy is actually a gangster film directed by Frank Capra.
I may have just made that up for shits and giggles.

Jimmy Kimmel is a prankster who sometimes goes too far, but based on his face (he was practically in tears and seemed genuinely shaken by the developments), I don't think he did arrange it. Pictures taken of the audience at that moment show Kimmel sitting next to Matt Damon, so I think there was a scripted comedy bit

Absolutely. Moonlight was the best movie of the year that wasn't a documentary. The film deserves to be judged on its merits as art and its storytelling. But that doesn't seem to be the case, and I'm frustrated by that.

They weren't boycotting. They were being outraged by all the black people being traitors on screen. Then they really went into roid rage land when The Salesman won.

Three accountants, three cases, three sets of envelopes. Law of averages- it was bound to happen sometime.
I honestly thought Beatty was going to say it was a tie.