Strummer Girl

*sigh* Story of my life.

I typically would concur about a Danish victory. But I suspect the Germans will win.
Also, Toni Erdmann is the best film of the four I have seen (haven't seen the Australian one yet).
I will continue to think Denmark's greatest international competitive showing is Euro 1992. Mostly because it is.

Never outright cancelled, but it was delayed one day after the Reagan assassination attempt.
Hollywood loves nothing more than to congratulate itself while the rest of the world burns.
And I watch it every year, so I guess that tells you how shallow I am.

You want controversy:

That's a damn fine list. I'd throw in Passion Pit.

My appraisal of R.E.M. is that they are my band. They will forever be my band. I'll listen to every album again and again, even Reveal and Around the Sun, because they are my band and I love them. My re-appraisal is that I love R.E.M., they are my band, and Around the Sun is not as bad as I recall it being when I

I Am Not Your Negro is my favourite film of 2016 full stop.

Doesn't mean I don't want a sudden Viggo Mortensen shock win or anything.
I'll settle for Denzel.
But it's hard to not let Affleck have it. It's a fantastic performance. I'd be more thrilled if he wasn't a renowned douchebag.

Kate Hudson in Almost Famous ended up being a fluke. It was the right actress in the right role. She'll never get a role that great again, she's too lightweight. Basically, she's no Goldie Hawn. Emma Stone has not gone the flaky romcom route so far and she picks interesting projects for the most part. She's also a

I'm still rooting for Viggo Mortensen to find his way into my bed.
We could speak Danish dirty talk to each other.
I would be more than delighted if he won. He deserves an Oscar for being that hot and talented. And a hockey fan. Who cares if it's the Habs? He's hot enough for me to overlook that.

I've seen The Artist. It was fine. Cute enough, gimmicky. The dog was great.
La La Land is a far better movie than The Artist.

I hated The Revenant. Hated hated hated.
I think Birdman is better than The Revenant. Way better.
The only thrilling parts were the bear and Tom Hardy being scalped. The rest of it, while beautiful to look at, was tedious (I live in the area it was filmed).

Pisses them off, too. Rhythm and Hues closed weeks after Life of Pi won an Oscar because they couldn't get studios to pay. There is a reason both my brother and SIL returned to TV work. TV studios are less likely to skip out on their bills. It's also more stable. Working FX for films can be feast or famine. And the

The best thing about Life of Pi was the visual effects. And I'm only saying that because my brother was on the team that worked on them. He specializes in lighting fake water. The movie was a snooze. I also thought the book was a snooze.
It's also why Into the Woods gets a pass from me. He worked on that one, too.

Fences problem was that it felt so constrained. Washington filmed it like it was on the stage. I've seen Fences on stage- it's compelling to watch there. But film requires some sort of movement, and there wasn't enough of it. It felt static. It's why films like Rope fail as well. Stagey doesn't work well on the

Frustrating since Desmond Doss' story is a great one and deserves to be told with respect and consideration.
Let's make a movie about a conscientious objector and make it as bloody and violent as possible! I know war is hell and not pleasant, but come on now.
The minute I heard Gibson was directing it, I thought it was