
Please do not use the cliche “battle with cancer,” as having cancer is not warfare or a competition. Google why oncologists hate the  phrase. 

I meant I commented in a previous article 

THanks for a great analysis. I wrote in a previous article here that McGregor is a proud racist who deserved all he got and more. What really pisses me off is how espn mopes parrots White’s faux outrage .

Love the column but any music compared (favorably?) to Phil Fkn Collins and Stevie Wonderbread Winwood is something I will stay far away from.

Maybe someone has already mentioned this, but any headline regarding a show depicting a Nazi world order should avoid the phrase “Steps on the gas.” Very bad and I hope unintentional pun, really really bad. 

McGregor is a despicable racist shit, period. Guess what happens when you do your tenth-rate Ali act and talk shit about bear-wrestling Dagestanis? YOU get your ass kicked, your COACH gets his ass kicked, and then YOU get your ass kicked again by some homeboys. Call them terrorist rats again, Mcgregor, you pathetic

WIN Whip Inflation Now was actually coined by Gerald Ford, our greatest president and a huge though closeted Devo fan

“Africa” is not only one of history’s worst songs musically, but has anybody ever mentioned its disgusting, condescending “white gaze” view? AFRICA IS NOT A COUNTRY. “The rains down in Africa?” WHAT PART? THE SAHARA? Western Africa? Ghana? South Africa? Zimbabwe? Entire swaths of the continent that dwarf the U.S.

I’m sure someone else has already noted that Kavanope’s “raw emotion,” contrived as it was, HAD NO TEARS.  He fake cried, finally dabbed at his nose with a tissue, but no tears. Sociopath. I haven’t heard a single news pundit mention the fake crying/no tears. I hope I’ve just missed it.

Yes, exactly-what I was thinking too, having graduated in 1979 in the Deep South, a white male athlete. I was no light of feminism but neither I nor anyone I called friend ever referred to women this way and we knew exactly what the assholes who did meant. Basic human decency and mutual regard disallowed that. There

People mess up? Redemption for a continued Holocaust denier? You down with that? Gibson has never bothered to even really apologize for his raging, deranged anti-Semitism (“WWII was bad, and a lot bad things happened to a lot of people, and I’m sure SOME of them were Jews,” he told Diane Sawyer), nor credibly denied

The article is dead on about Gaffigan being funny, or trying to. And I am with him with the fkn labels and THE STUPID TIRESOME “CREATIVE” NAMES. Is “Raging Bitch” still being brewed by the raging idiots at whatever brewery came up with that name? Maybe they could serve that at Kavanaugh’s confirmation afterparty.

Yeah he is literally one of the most physically repugnant human beings I’ve ever seen. Amazing that his personality and “values” are even more disgusting.

And "not" not "nit"

Nit looking to publish this but it's  "vale of death" as in vale of tears, not veil

I also was at the end of my first year in college in 81, at a small school outside Atlanta, which was a lifesaver for punk and alt fans as every decent band on tour came there if they went south at all. Athens, too, was taking off then.

“The result of those albums (has) been” not “have”

I’m sure this has already been said below, but I love the textbook irony of any human being, a member of the worst “inflamed asshole” species of the known universe, deriding seagulls. For attempted burglary of a fkn cheeseburger, which please connect that item to “inflamed asshole” on your own. It’s pretty easy to do.

I just lost 20 points I can ill afford off my tiny IQ reading the dipshit, incoherent, risibly idiotic “disses” here.

Pretty sure King K. wasn’t corked out of his fkn gourd on HGH and roids.