
Thank you, Pink Skull. I am only surprised Bone Spur day isn’t federalized yet. Perhaps national recognition of such a tragic condition would be more than parents should have to explain to their children on the accompanying day off from school.

I’d say unless your name is actually John McCain, you’re the one “poking fun” at him.

Can’t deny his mistakes and flat-out grave wrongheadedness at times.

I believe that frisky rascal is an adolescent -- and adorable, which is a word I do not use often or lightly -- fox, establishing her/his adulthood by reminding those fkn interlopers whose world this really is.

I saw the Clash, surprise, twice, the first time on their first US tour at a tiny Atlanta club, the Agora, the second in 82 at the Fox Theater, playing to a crowd of thousands. By the time I and my group of college friends came out, what we later learned were a group of about 20 ne0-nazis had ALREADY been swarmed and

Holy shit I love “Why Your Team Sucks” ESPECIALLY when it’s on the ‘Boys.

Yes thank you. I love the clarity on Madonna in this thread, which your comment encapsulates most clearly.

These fucks’ patent insanity is fueled by steroids, which their chemically “ripped” bodies are also obvious evidence of.  Funny how often that physical naricissism goes together with political myopia/self-aggrandizement/utter paranoia. 

“Late malaise era car” is a GREAT fkn descriptor of all these cars. Much less the OMFG-Make-it-go-away all-time ugliest paint job, gone full-tilt wacko with the wheels AND the engine sprayed yellow/orange whatever-the-fuck-it-is.

At around the same time white Hollywood (most of the rest of white culture) were legitimizing the “It’s Hard Out Here for a Pimp” misogynist pimps/ho’s/bling bullshit as “legitimate” musical concerns (it’s just the reality of the streets yall, back off, goes the argument) or, on the other hand, that hiphop was being

You can tell she was born to do cosmetics, especially since she can’t spell “pallet,” ur, “palette.” Jesus H. Tapdancing Keerist on the goddamn cross, the apocalypse is upon us.  I just commented on Bella Thorne.  Obviously I must now end my life.

With due respect, aren’t all Catholic and Christian traditions “bizarre” from the get-go (crackers and wine are really flesh and blood?), well before any admixture of Mayan belief is added? I live in Antigua and San Simon (he always goes by Max in Guatemala btw) is a fascinating example of the Mayan people’s

I voted NP because I miss these rather handsome old cars, but as a very biased owner of used 300zx’s for 25 years, I’d say you could find a decent 80s Z for the same price range and you’d get more HP plus T TOPS. WAIT before you torch me, all you “T Tops are like having pasta colanders on your roof” haters. I”ve had

Apparently the hgh and roids have finally completely overtaken his brain. Look up “hgh abuse symptoms “ and you’ll find his cinder block head, the chin, the brow, as scintillating examples. He and the so-called Roid, oops, the Rock, should have a hypodermic showdown / shootout. NOW THAT would be an action movie. 

“he was naught but that" not "he was not but that"

“With” has exactly 1 more letter than “cum” but is admittedly nowhere near as impressive as interjecting Latin terms for no apparent reason. 

The word is “predominantly”; “predominately” is not a word. 

I have already put on my bomb-demolition suit anticipating the explosives that will get hurled my way, but I’ve owned a an 83 280, an 87 300 for 15 years, and now have an 86, and I LOVE THE T-TOPS. None of mine of have ever leaked a drop. When they’re off you have the rear hatchback to minimize wind noise and in

Wow, a male author telling us to be fine with graphic torture of a female. In a fkn video game. This week too! Seen the news lately? Quelle surprise.

If memory serves, Mitsubishi stood/stands with Trump et al on sexual harrassment, as I recall they were the targets in the 90's of a ground-breaking, widespread lawsuit the details of which make “North Country” look like Sesame Street.