
Sorry. After reading way too many comments explaining that misogynistic language is totally bad except when women deserve it, and getting a star on an old comment that led me to a lecture I received from another long-time Jezzie about how we must never call out misogyny when it comes from men on the left, because

Yeah wasn't exactly being that serious here...

Upside: With all the mouth-peelings it's like you get double the food!

"Only men can be sexist."

I like how people are calling this a strawman when you can literally go to any article about gender and gaming on this site and wind up with literally those exact comments. If people don't like being called out on it, maybe they should stop saying this stupid predictable shit every time Patricia puts up an article or

Let me do a pre-post of the common comments so we can avoid clutter.

My god. Thank you for sharing your story. And thank you for being honest about the pressure to have a so-called thick skin when it comes to degrading, sexist, and sometimes violent behavior. We've been taught for so long to just take it. All of it.

He looks so sad.

I bet he needs a hug.

From a running lawn mower.

So much yuck going on here. Terry Richardson doesn't use consenting models because power and control plays a large factor in what gets him off. Just like any other rapist or abuser. He likes coercion.

Everything about this guy makes me want to throw up. Even his favorite sandwich.

Artist or predator?

Yeah, no one (or at least very few people) on here even bat an eye when a post about parents after a shooting, whose kids actually DIED, turns into a debate about gun regulation...but say something bad about pit bulls? You're so insensitive!!!

NO! REJECTED! People had the chance to own pit bulls legally. They had the chance to control them. They blew it. Fuck conjecture. Fuck your white trash, incurious conjecture. Let's use facts, asshole:

This is how I got bit too! A little girl had the dog on a leash and it pulled her off her bike so my friend and I who were walking were like crap, we have to walk over to make sure she's okay. We get there and her dog lunges at me she lets go of the leash and I startle. The dog then started lunging at me and I

It is NOT that simple, and insisting that it is is downright dangerous and does the breed zero favors. Pitbulls as a breed are dog can train and socialize your dog, never say a mean word to him, and STILL have a dangerously dog aggressive pit. Any owner of a pit has to accept and understand that

Your analysis doesn't account reconcile the fact that they are responsible, as a single breed, than more attacks than all of the other breeds combined. You mentioned dobermans and rottweilers without statistics to shrug it off but why is an animal that has been shown to be extremely violent in enough situations not

A little girl lost her fucking eye. Do I need to parrot all of the "shun this person, fuck this person" posts for your to know I think it's awful she was told to leave KFC? Of course I'm disgusted. She wouldn't be missing a damn eye if people didn't feel their right to own a massive, aggressive animal trumped other

That's absolutely not true. You can't assume ANY dog "will not attack anyone." They are still animals. The difference is that a "bad day" with a chihuahua is going to have a totally different outcome than a "bad day" with a pit bull.

I know - I feel like pit bull owners are also the most judgmental of people interacting with their dogs. "You stood to close to him! You moved too quickly! You talked with your deep voice!" How about having a dog that isn't going to attack a person for acting like a human being?