
Something that I've heard get tossed around some times with derision is that Dick Cheney (I think it was him) got out of serving in Vietnam for having a pilonidal cyst. I don't remember if it was him or that war, but it's some prominent GOP guy and some war with a draft. It is probably the only thing that I feel

I'm at that age where people who were so in love and had a huge wedding are now getting divorced, so this wedding thing seems like money well spent......

Oh god. I had to pop a cyst on my mom's back and drain it..... The tissue over it was really tough and after many sterilized needles and much pressing, it exploded. into. my. fucking. MOUTH. INTO MY MOUTH. It was warm and salty. The smell was on my hands for days. And in the end it had to be removed by a doctor

Labor. The grossest damned thing ever. When I had my second child I waited too long before going to the hospital. I arrived seventeen minutes before she was born. As soon as they laid me down it started. My water didn't break (it never does for me). I felt the urge to bear down as they ruptured the sack. Almost as

My tia, who passed away recently, was a doctor. This was one of her favorite stories:

or how about when i tried to be a responsible 19 year old and asked my general practicioner for STD tests before my bf and i had sex. the doctor told me "they didn't do those kind of tests" and i should " go to a free clinic or something"

This is a very, very hazy memory, so forgive if it gets a little disjointed. I got my tonsils out about three days before my 18th birthday because they had grown so big that they were sucking blood from my head and making me dizzy enough to miss school sometimes because I couldn't stand up. I am a very small person

I was working home health in an infamous little inbred town and had to take over a client for another nurse. I knocked on the door, and she yelled at me to come in. I opened the screen door, as roaches started falling into my hair. And there she sat. This huge Jabba the Hutt creature, on a sofa with hundreds of

I was working in a clinic in rural Africa when a kid came in with a large abscess (pocket of pus) on his cheek/jaw - roughly the size of a softball. It needed to be drained so I made a little incision in his cheek and the abscess basically exploded (think poking a hole in a balloon…only a balloon filled with pus).

I had brain surgery. No biggie, but how it happened it rather nasty. If you put your tongue up over your teeth - feel that dangly thing? That was the first cut. Then they lifted my face - literally, and put instruments in my nose. It was about a 6 hour surgery. After surgery they packed my nose with gauze. It

This is an excellent piece of journalism. Callie and all the Jez staff should be proud of what they've done here. I've been an outspoken critic of a lot of the stuff that goes on here but stories ike this are whyw e need places like Jezebel, to do this kind of reporting and bring these things to light. What makes me

This is not surprising. I work at a very prestigious university in a department that is male dominated, and the misogyny runs deep. Anyone, especially if you are female, who does not toe the party line is subtly targeted. Complain about being harassed? Get pregnant? Expect to be slowly squeezed out by gossip, peer

They value reputations and sports more than safety of their students....mostly female students. They simply don't fucking care for you as long as they can raid your pockets with ever increasing tuitions and loans. American college system is becoming a joke.

Yeah, yeah. We all know there's only one thing William Hague is any good at and that's saying Benghazi in a Yorkshire accent...

not all menses