For fuck’s sake, no. It is NOT an investment. It’s a donation.
For fuck’s sake, no. It is NOT an investment. It’s a donation.
Hey shit-for-brains, I never said I wanted a refund.
By the way, if you think this “constant ragging” on Donald Trump is fun, I assure you it is not. Please make it stop.
When DistractedElf decided to transition, she worried that it could be the end of her stream. It was a big change,…
Funny, though, how Emma’s experience is shared by so many women in nearly all industries.
Unless something goes horribly wrong, all cruise ships are floating cruise ships.
After looking at my phone and realizing we still had an hour and thirty minutes left, I turned to my friend and whispered “we’re getting drinks after this.”
Agreed. It’s just as likely he’s just afraid of what he’s sensing from the adults around him - not to mention the political climate. Kids are sensitive that way. My heart goes out to the poor kid, honestly. He didn’t ask for any of this. :/
I can’t imagine Melania has any intention of fulfilling the duties— or even an idea what they are — of being First Lady.
“...Melania is extremely close to Baron,” the source told the Post, “and they have become closer during the campaign...”
Anyone else think that Barron can see dead people?
“In preparation for assuming the highest office in the land, Trump and his inner circle watched half a season of the West Wing, and think they have the gist of it now.” I made that up, but I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if that’s how that article ended...
I agree. This seems impossible. I mean, I knew that. It just seems like a thing that anybody with a moderate interest in politics would know. Why didn’t Kellyanne Conway know that? It just seems impossible. Yet there it is.
He's pandering to the least educated and intelligent, he's selling hate and fear and a lot of people are buying it. Luckily, all the idiots in this country put together still represent a minority and Trump will never be president.
Okay, just for fun, let’s go with a democrat. How about Bernie Sanders. Can you find examples of him pulling faces, mocking other cultures, or allowing out and out disrespect of the president at his rallies?
No gawker readers are running for President.
When you’re born with a silver spoon in your mouth (and/or up your ass), you lose any and all reason to develop the personality and social skills of the average person. You begin life and each interaction from a perceived superior stance, and after a while of people putting up with you acting that way, it becomes your…
1000 times yes. He is infuriating to watch and bravo to CNN for leaving the camera on him so much to show his asinine behavior to the world. He’s a childish, bitter, megalomaniacal little c***.
Sort of off topic, but the lead image is what made me think of it... For me, one of the worst parts of Trump, is the level of disdain and annoyance he shows to anyone saying anything he doesn’t like.