
It appears to me and probably others, that you are either:

Deadspin is showing unprecedented restraint by acknowledging through silence that Shaun King’s Daily News’ hit piece was based off of a 74 page puff piece (affidavit) by Dr. Naughright’s lawyers. Also, that King’s bias loomed WAY too large by unapologetically stating his defense for Cam in light Peyton’s

Certain Fallon d’Floor finalist.

Having Timmy on the ticket could shore up Popovich’s campaign with the big fundamentalist voting bloc.

Popovich/Duncan 2024

This all looks bad, but at least he hasn’t dabbed on the football field. That would be classless.

I miss the days when it was literally sports highlights almost 24/7 and then me and my buddies could talk/argue about whatever we saw. So and so is the best, etc...


It wouldn't be a day if there wasn't a stupid haisley article

You’ll probably be banned pretty soon. The author can not take criticism. He also does not reply to comments because they mostly: 1. Dismantle his opinion. 2. Call him out for being a terrible writer.

Why does Deadspin continue to allow this shit to cross post to the front page? Is there any other example of a Deadspin writer whose posts consist mostly of trolling his favorite team’s rivals? I don’t even like Madrid. It’s just really stupid and childish to see this shit everyday.

Is there any way you can get Leslie Horn’s take on this? Adequate Man really needs her back. Maybe she was right to jump ship.

It’s too bad Zaza “MudFingers” Pachulia won’t be at the all-star game...