
Speights was bombing threes on the Spurs last night. It was that bad. 26 fucking turnovers.

You’re asking the writer to know league history... that is a lot in these here parts.

Is there any way you can get Leslie Horn’s take on this? Adequate Man really needs her back. Maybe she was right to jump ship.

He’s been known to get into different places by questionable tactics.

The fact you took the time to reply so vehemently to someone’s opinion shows that there is, at least, a truth in there that he called out and pissed you off.

He does! He enjoys many things like theater and wine and delicious food. If you know where the good food and wine is in SA, you are bound to see him there. However, San Antonio has an extremely small theater scene, unlike NYC.

I wouldn’t believe a word the AG of Texas said. He’s only been in office for a short time and is already in trouble. He’s fucking up my fucked up state one day at a time.

Reichs never last as long as they are expected...


Thats a car pissing just like we have to expel fluids. Totally normal.

It’s 70 degrees in South Texas. I have no need for this nonsense!

It’s 70 degrees in South Texas. I have no need for this nonsense!

Good to see people are catching on!

So, would they beat Alabama? Yes, they would.

you cant walk around with a can of beer in the casino either! has to be in a plastic cup!

Christ, read the youtube comments.

Excellent little write up.

I wish it was required that all authors must have a nom de plume!

I wish I could take my ass hair and stop my receding hairline.

Ego, not self-worth.

Here’s what I commented on this article from 2nd hand knowledge through a well versed contact in Kerrville TX(but I might be banned so it doesnt show up?):