
At this point, unless Skull & Bones ever releases, I’m going to assume that Yves keeps delaying it hoping that the Singapore government will take the “L” and let Ubisoft off the hook.

Enjoy your death and dismemberment machine!

First: Fuck Miscavige, Cruise and their cult of psychopaths.

It’s a 1987 and ... um ... “antique-plated?” I graduated high school in ‘87.

*Checks number of wheels*

Denise Richards or Good. You may only choose one.

He did Rick and Morty voices for the last Half In The Bag I think, because the RLM folks wrote themselves into a shitty dead end plot so fuck it. Multiverse.

Justin Roiland is a huge RedLetterMedia fan so it makes sense, they and MST3K have done a lot of these kinds of videos in the past. Roiland even sent the RLM boys some pictures and have used them in ads. RLM are great and are pretty much the spiritual successors to MST3K.

clam down its a baby game not finnegans wake

Oh my gaaaaaaaaaahd. Do you mean Rich Evans, famous star of the Ellen Show?

I think that idea comes with age and experience. Especially when and if you have kids. There is a time in your late teens though mid 30s where maybe you believe knowing something that someone else doesn’t makes you more interesting or better but, like the comic shows, you find eventually that someone saying “I never

Maybe its because I am old and was really horny in High School but the first movie I think about with Denise Richards is not Starship Troopers.

Here you go!

Have you seen the R-rated cut that Vinegar Syndrome released? I haven’t seen the traditional edit — the only way to see the movie prior to what VS put out a couple years ago — but I thought the R-rated version was surprisingly hilarious.

How Did This Get Made? covered this 2021! Awesome episode. WHAT’S UP JERKS??

That’s a good point on the screen size. A four player game of Ticket to Ride on an 18" screen sounds like a very eye straining experience.

I envy every person that is watching this masterpiece of schlock for the first time. But on the other hand I got to exclaim “Holy shit it’s Tammy & The T-Rex!” so it’s all about little victories.  

A House of Leaves simulator does seem like a good time.

I don’t know how you’re supposed to balance Leader since his effect is what causes him to be problematic, but extremely often in online multiplayer games, a superficial change like this one is usually enough to lower his playrate to the point where he’s not as annoying