
Not sure why, but this is the funniest thing I’ve read yet today, in the best possible fashion.

But it still feels incredibly odd that the Canadian government would be funding a project that is explicitly in favor of a world where liberal democracy doesn’t exist (and is in fact undesirable)

This is objectively good.

When tech, nerdom and love team up, the results can be beautiful.

I know this is probably unlikely, but there’s no game I’d be more jazzed about a respiffed version of than New Vegas.

The world needs more comedy-themed triple a games, yes. This used to be a thing before the current era of super serious triple a shooter games! And the decline of that in and of itself is a big bummer. Someone should tell the EA types it’s okay for a game’s main goal to be comedy-focused.

Whew, that’s the homeless problem solved then! Idiots.

I, too, long for the days politicians on the whole would make changes instead of stunting and grandstanding. My history books don’t seem to go back that far, but I’m sure some existed at some point.

Quit pussyfooting around with teaspoons and tablespoons. If you’re serious about cleaning, go GAL or go home. 

It’s really good, and probably only 9-10 hours. I take a long time beating these things, and I didn’t think it was too long. I also got hooked, so maybe stayed up later than I would normally to keep at it.
It’s only 10% off on Steam tho (and on gamepass if you have that), so if you want to wait, you’re only gambling

Better than the other fiction books that most of them use to swear in on.

nah, sodium hydroxide is for pretzels. level up and go with TSP for cleaning.

I might return to this if it’s still on GamePass after a couple more patches. I got the “return to the mansion” bug and then the “boss is inside the walls” bug, and decided to play Signalis instead.
 Which, btw, is a fantastic decision everyone should make, even if HoL isn’t crapping out on them...

So weird that this and her other amazing genre movie Near Dark were nearly impossible to find for quite some time. Hold your physical media close, fellow nerds.

Fucking LOVE this movie!

I did a quick scan to make sure I’m not an asshole for getting super thin prosciutto

2023 isn't taking prisoners, fuck. Why isn't it ever utter shit bags that die early in the year?

The monkey plot line was the whole point of the movie. 

Wtf, are children’s cartoons usually this amazing looking?   

Old man shouts at cartoon not designed for him...