
I don’t know exactly what the market looks like these days, but throughout my low income childhood, we had a lot of Chryslers because they were the cheapest domestics. Not so much because rah rah USA! but more because they were cheaper to repair than imports. More of them on the road and more re-use of parts across

He may be Japanese by birth, but he’s an American at heart!

ain’t no akin to it, its straight up censorship being paraded as anything but by appealing to people’s hatred of those younger than themselves

jesus christ no one gives a fuck martyr

says who?

and snap, tbh, one of the best 2 drops. She’s so versatile lol

they might, but the last week or two they’ve been getting hammered pretty hard by the comic book community, mocking them ruthlessly and relentlessly about calling x-men woke. Same as the community came together to browbeat the fuckheads who tried to say Doctor Who went woke by casting a queer, non-white Doctor and

yeah literally only knew peach AND armor from snap but loved their art and this preview looked really cool so I’m really interested in watching this 

Not even. The quality of the batteries is the biggest reason why you buy a DeWalt cordless screwgun over a Harbor Freight one. Quality of the battery is second only perhaps to cooling system in electronics...especially since most of the time one or the other gets skimped on and is the reason for failure.

Absolutely a possibility yes. If you’re trying to take down a massive corporation and you realize the futile enormity of it and either know you’ve committed some unknown term of your life to being dragged through broken glass by more lawyers than you knew existed and/or have some skeletons in your closet you know they

I’m only shocked that I didn’t shit all over you the first time around.

What the fuck game did you play that got accidentally labelled as FFVI?

It took me until youtube came out and watching video essays on it that I realized that Jenova was an alien that came in on a meteor...

FF1 is one of the least linear of the FF games imo, you can go quite a few directions once you get the key. Hell, as a kid I usually beelined it for the ice cave to get the floater stone and did the volcano last before the temple of ruin revisited.

sure ya did champ

The most right wing has been picked repeatedly, the left has never even had a nominee that made it more than a breath past the center line of the political spectrum.

The US government, science...common sense...basically everything approaching rationality

and if an American came up with it they’d spend a week making fun of it nad yapping on and on and on about it not being how it’s done

Couldn’t he just become a heroin addict instead?

That’s fine, only thing going back there is the empties anyway