
Not if they’re nobodies it isn’t, why the fuck would Nintendo want anything distracting people from it being a Nintendo game? Shit, if they weren’t legally obligated to at some point I’ll bet Nintendo would happily let everyone think they made it themselves.

The NYT should gather up its Op Ed staff, bundle them up in a rug, and shove them up its collective ass until they can’t be heard from again and then go fuck itself.

Never forget the soundtrack either!

Super Mario World is my vote. It was so good looking and fun, introduced Yoshi and had better mechanics than 3 while not being as complicated as later entries making it very accessible to virtually anyone, was such a good looking game that showcased the power of the SNES over the NES and had a soundtrack that plays in

I had a dark green 95 Talon but I never saw many of them that color, do recall the green Grand Ams and Civics though now that you mention it...just too many fuckin years I suppose...

You’re so much more likely to have a drunk driver plow through your house than a piece of space debris fall in the same state as you.

Oh no, what will dumb fuck Kris Kobach do with his dumb fuck waste of my tax money lawsuit now?

No, or they would have done it in 2005, not 2022.

I had trouble remembering green being a popular color in the mid 90's until I finally remembered the hoard of totally forgettable soap bar Taurus’s and minivans that were wretched shades of bluish green

I knew what clip that would be before clicking through, Hank is great and...if anyone on the planet could get and survive cancer, in a twisted way I’m glad it was Hank because he educated millions of people about the treatment process in a way that will sadly be of a lot of value in people’s lives for decades to come.

Great news!

No I agree, I hate the paper doll style animation. It’s jarring and makes games that use it look cheap

Yeah, just a gif of a plane getting struck by lightning is plenty to get people to click, don’t need to add the dumb shit clickbaity headline to sour the deal

that’s what they do in the south, they tend to use bacon for the protein for it. Personally I also put some smoked paprika and a dash of cayenne in the mix too, and if you cook some 10 cent ramen noodles and toss the seasoning packet you can still get some filler carbs to soak up some of the flavor by mixing them in,

what what they did didn’t they? I remember they would cut the quarter pounder patties in half for them but don’t remember on the chicken

Well, I seem to recall some study saying CEO tasks are much more easily automated by AI than pretty much all the rest of the workers so...

I got an 8bitdo Ultimate with Hall effect analog sticks and have had absolutely zero regrets. I got it for 50 bucks on sale, I think it’s usually 60? Anyone spending 100+ on a controller that is going to start drifting at any moment is a goddam fool.

I mean, she’s 34. Just the way narrow way casting for women works she’s probably out of the window to even have a shot for another 25 years or so anyway

Here’s what’s really going to happen. You’re going to spend half again as much to get a combo washer dryer...sounds great! Then in 7 years the control board is going to burn out and it will not be availably anymore and you’ll have to replace the entire thing instead of 1 of the appliances so that over the course of 15

Most people have never tried to tie their shoes while adrenaline is coursing through their bloodstream, much less a gun.